February 23, 2025

Sunday night, 11pm. I just had my dinner (leftovers from lunch) of
baked chicken (in soy sauce) and chicken croquets along with a rosé
Peñascal wine. Very good. Slightly effervescent.

I was having my dinner at the table in the sitting room, near the television, and am watching the movie “Apocalypse Now
– in English. Thank goodness for satellite television where you can
choose either the “original version” or the default Spanish version. I
MUCH prefer watching American movies in English than in Spanish. I like
hearing the actor’s voices, no matter their native language.

Odd weekend here in Madrid. The weather was absolutely perfect, nearly summerlike – and I didn’t
even leave the house, not since Friday afternoon when I came back from
the shopping. Most of the weekend entailed work, playing videogames,
watching movies, and reading the newspapers. Oh, and lots of cooking.

While I don’t do it very often, I really love to cook here. I probably cook much more here than I ever did in Columbus, Ohio.
I don’t cook anything fancy, mostly chicken, veal, pizzas, and the
occasional seafood dish. I haven’t been brave enough to tackle cooking
fish yet through.

Oddly, now that I’m sitting here with the
light, slightly cool breeze passing through the house, I have the
inclination to get dressed and go downstairs and catch the bus to
downtown Madrid for a walk. But nahh.. I’m settled in for the night. But apart
from that, I also have the wants to explore Spain.

This “business” in which I’m involved affords me the opportunity to explore, to visit, to see parts of Spain
I wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience, all in the name of Spanish
tourism – my business. So now I plan, I dream, I wonder where I’d like
to visit next. The list is long but so is life.

Now, at 42 years
old, I can’t imagine ever actually, totally retiring from this
business. Why would I want to? I can’t see myself at 66 years old,
putting the working world behind me and settling down to doing nothing
more with my days than going down to the local cafe for my morning
coffee and churros, buying the paper, and reading that paper on the
terraza until lunch time, taking walks in the evening, and going to bed
early. I can’t see this for me – AT THIS TIME. I love my work. There’s
nothing better.

Tomorrow, Monday, is a typical day. I’ll wake up and have coffee and bran cereal, do some work, then at about 11am I’ll head to the gym. By 2pm I’m back at home, showered, and starting to make lunch. A typical day. I’ve noticed the topless sunbathers have returned to the outside terraza of my gym. Bonus!

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