March 13, 2025

Saturday night, before going to bed, I was diligent in turning all
my clocks back ONE HOUR to conform to the Daylight Savings rule in MOST
of the world (minus the USA which has set its own rules and sets back
one hour on November 1st).

On Sunday I was watching some live NFL
football on Canal+ satellite and, to no surprise, found the timing
“off”. Even the satellite’s clock was off. How can this be possible in today’s technological age? Shouldn’t the time change be instantaneous? I’m wondering how long it’ll be until the Canal+ clock catches up with the actual clock.

So the nights arrive earlier. That’s not a big deal. But those first few days, as everyone knows, seem odd. They’re getting off work at the same hour and yet it’s already SUPER dark outside.

The autumn’s back-one-hour schedule isn’t as difficult as the springs ahead-one-hour change, in my opinion. How many times did we miss Easter Sunday church services because we forgot to change the clocks ahead one hour and arrived as services ended? Or how many times were we traveling and missed a flight, a bus, or an appointment because we forgot – or didn’t realize – the time change? No tellin’, Magellan.

But now, it seems, nights fall earlier and earlier, faster and faster. Before you know it it’ll be dark by 5pm and we’ll feel like we’re on the North Pole with 24 hours of nighttime. Madrid has nearly the same longitude as my hometown in north-central Ohio, USA so the hours of light are essentially the same. Fine. But it takes some getting used to with these dark afternoons and early evenings when daylight is short and fleeting.

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2 thoughts on “Clocks turned back 1-Hour

  1. In the UK sometimes in winter its already dark at 4pm. Not nice, no wonder people suffer from that dark depression thing! I had to remind my eldest son (24, nearly 25) on Sunday, he was delighted that he had an hour more of his sunday than he thought!

  2. I agree! Not only do people suffer more from depression, I’m sure alcoholism goes WAY up during these months too. It’s nice to sleep an extra hour that Sunday morning, though. The tough was is putting those clocks AHEAD again in the spring and LOSING that hour of sleep. Ugh!

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