February 14, 2025

For customer service, Spanish pharmacies are near the top!

Unlike in the USA, when you want to buy something like Alka-Seltzer, diarrhea medicine, ASPIRIN, or condoms (see update below), you MUST go to the pharmacy. For Spaniards, this is a common fact of life. For Americans, we say, “WHAT?! I have to ask a pharmacist for CONDOMS?!” or “WHAT?! I have to admit to the pharmacist that I have diarrhea?!” or “WHAT?! I have to pay 4 Euros for a pack of 20 aspirins??????!!!”

All these things for Americans is, to say the least, unusual and uncomfortable. We can semi-secretly put boxes of condoms and diarrhea medicine under our arms and face the teenager cashier at any grocery store, convenient start, or drug-store-super-store and we don’t have to ask anyone to buy them. Walk up, take it off the hook, and carry it directly to the cash register.

CONDOM UPDATE 2010: In the last year, one can buy condoms at local supermarkets without asking for them. They should be found in the “personal products” aisle or even within reach at the check-out counters.

We’re also NOT accustomed to paying such prices for aspirin! This, for me, is the most shocking thing. We in the USA (can) pay about $1.50 for a bottle of 100+ aspirin! This is something so common! And store-brand Alka-Seltzer can cost $.200 for a box of 50. So what do I do, I stock up on all these things when I go to the USA and bring them back to Spain with me so I don’t have to pay such prices or face such embarrassment at the pharmacies here in Spain.

All that said, wow, I’m beyond impressed with the professionalism of the pharmacies here. These people not only know their stuff (as any self-respecting pharmacist would), but they also take their take to understand your problem. They really tend to treat you like family, always very friendly, always very helpful.

And while the aspirin might be expensive the prescription drugs are DIRT-CHEAP!! WOW! There is one prescription I had filled for the last 10 years in the USA – nothing REALLY necessary but helpful – which cost me $20-per-unit. Here, it costs me 2.40€!!!! This fact reminds me of a number of scenes in the Michael Moore movie SICKO where he goes to Canada, England, and France and asks the people how much they pay for their prescription drugs – and the answer is always the same – IT’S CHEAP compared to the USA.

Don’t get me started on the US Healthcare System but let me say this, when I go to the doctor I first ask for an appointment. When I show up for my appointment the doctor calls out 5 people’s name for my particular time-slot and we take turns depending on the order of the names called. I’ve never waited more than 20 minutes for my name to be called and the care has always been professional.

Back to pharmacies: they do observe siesta-hours. But there is always a 24-hour pharmacy available in nearly every neighborhood for emergencies. And I’ve never walked away from a pharmacy without them giving me some kind of little freebie like a box of sugar-free throat lozenges, a pack of facial tissues, or something like that. What a nice detail which costs them little and strengthens the pharmacist-patient bond. Children always get sugar-free suckers too.

I’ve gone to a couple different pharmacies here in the neighborhood and so they know me by my face and my nationality. As I’ve said before, I’m CLEARLY the only United Statesen in THIS neighborhood. They always treat me so nicely, very friendly, asking about me and when I’ve visited home last, telling about how their daughter is now studying English or recently visited England or Boston.

I think Pharmacies are very similar across Europe so I doubt someone from Sweden would be surprised about what I’m writing because “that’s the way it is”. But for an American it’s a true experience.

By the way, I’d imagine one could also buy condoms in a Sex Shop in Madrid, for example, but… I don’t think I’m ready for that – YET.

Saludos, MadridMan

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20 thoughts on “Pharmacies in Spain

  1. I tried buying condoms in a fairly centrally located pharmacy in the center of Madrid, near plaza mayor, the palace, etc. I was turned away, unable to buy them. The rational in that particular instance was that I was not married to my intended partner, something I divulged without thought when asked. The store owner, clearly very Catholic, refused to sell me the condoms! I was later succesfull at a nearby store, but still- it really skewed my view of parmacies here I guess.

  2. Hey MadridMan! Does Spanish pharmacies require a prescription as in the US? Propecia is very expensive in the States and requires a doctors prescription.

    1. Spanish pharmacies do require a prescription from a Spanish doctor for most medications – but some medications in Spain do not require a prescription as they might in the USA. I don’t know if Propecia specifically requires a prescription or not but the next time I go to a pharmacy in Madrid I’ll ask about it as well as the price and let you know.

  3. Hello and feliz ano nuevo!
    I’m curious if you had found out if Proscar (generic name is finasteride 5mg) is available without a prescription in Spain. Thanks for your help!

    1. Yes! I asked at the pharmacy just today. It seems Proscar and Propecia are the same drug. And yes, you are required to get a prescription from a doctor in order to get it at the pharmacy. Sorry!

      1. Thank you for your inquiry. I really appreciate that.
        Continue the great work on your blog. I really admire how you are living your passion!

        1. No problem, Victor. Glad to help. I continue being impressed by the service of pharmacies and pharmacists in Spain/Madrid. Many really take the time to explain things to you, ask about any potential allergies or other medications being taken, etcetera.

  4. i a interested in purchasing certain over the counter meds available in spain such as codesain and didor continous. your help will be appreciated ajs

    1. Hi, Al! I don’t know if they sell those particularly medicines over-the-counter. You’d have to ask at the pharmacy itself. Thanks and good luck!

  5. I am going to be traveling to Spain in a couple of months. I’m a Type 1 diabetic and would like to know how I would by my insulin, needles and test strips.

    1. Hi, Harry! I have no idea. If you have a prescription, you MAY be able to buy it in any pharmacy. Not sure, though. You might have to see a Spanish doctor first.

      1. Take the empty box with you. If they think they know what you want (and why) & what you’re going to do with it, they’ll likely sell it to you even if it’s prescription only. But only ask for one more box. If they haven’t got the same medicine, they’ll take the trouble to look at the list of ingredients on the old box & find you a Spanish equivalent with the same ingredients. NB they won’t sell me testosterone.

  6. Great article! Can you help me with info about buying distilled water
    in Madrid for a C-Pac? Do I go to a Farmacia?
    Thank you!

  7. Hello there, I was wondering if there is a chance to get a job in a pharmacy for a foreigner from the EU in Spain, especially in Madrid if you happen to know. Thank you ,

  8. Hello! We are attending a trade show in Barcelona next month and we usually give away individual packs of aspirin, alka-seltzer, band aids, etc. Is this in anyway illegal for us to do in Spain?

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