MadridManMadrid, Spain is immediately, indelibly stamped into the visitor's heart after walking down its sometimes chaotic, winding streets, and tasting Spanish wines and delicious tapas from the countless little bars and restaurants. Above you are endless balconies with flower pots reaching up to a cloudless, Velázquez sky. A few more steps and you hear guitar music from around the corner. Unusual voices fill your ears. You are in Madrid!! - Spain's capital of music & romance, art & culture, energy & excitement, food & family. You'll never want to leave. But if you do, you'll quickly be planning your NEXT visit.

Notes from MadridMan:

At you'll find useful, insightful information if you're planning a trip to Madrid or other cities in Spain. If you've been to Madrid before, you can appreciate my attraction - which is why I decided to move to Madrid permanently. The people are special, the food is delicious, and the history and culture is second to none in the world. Become a pre-trip traveler through my website, watch live Spanish television and listen to the live radio stations from Madrid, admire the many Madrid & Spain photos, and be sure to visit the MadridMan's ALL SPAIN Message Board, packed with more than 15-years of questions and answers. When you least expect it, you'll become a REAL madrileño!!

Lodging in Madrid:

There are countless Madrid lodging options for every type of traveler to Spain's capital. From 5-Star Luxury Hotels to Youth Hostels, from family holiday apartments to hostales, and everything in between, shows it all. The message board has first-personal reviews about many of them and discounts can be found directly through the various links. Where should you stay? I always recommend the first-time visitor to stay somewhere in the Old downtown center of Madrid. This way, the most important and most historical things can be seen within a few short minutes on-foot.


I am a "Madrid Maniac". And because I love Madrid, Spain so much, I created and dedicated a website to it in 1996, registered the domain name in 1997, and continue answering MANY emails on the topic every week. If that wasn't enough, I moved to MADRID, SPAIN in 2005 because of my passion for this wonderful city. You could call me crazy and you would be partially correct, because I AM CRAZY FOR MADRID! I don't claim to be an expert on Madrid, but when you love it as much, I'm rapidly becoming one.

Video: La Paloma Madrid :: WebCam: Calle de Alcalá (

Calle de Alcala

Recent Blog Entries:

The Spanish Siesta: Fact, Fiction - or Envy?
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Question: What is a "tortilla de patatas"? Answer: It's a "Spanish potato omelette", also known as "tortilla española" in Spanish. It's made with eggs, potatoes, and salt to start. Additional ingredients depend on the preference of the cook. Spain loves its "tortilla de patatas" as much as its Paella and I've seen a dozen different kinds. Here's mine in only (?!?!) 34-steps:

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